Natasha has been practicing acupuncture happily since 1999. She treats all manner of conditions with a variety of techniques including acupuncture, massage, gua sha, cupping and herbal medicine.
She is very excited to have studied Kiiko Style Acupuncture with Kiiko Matsumoto and Monica Kobylecka. Kiiko Style uses specific palpation techniques to determine the deeper structural and constitutional imbalances which may underlie a patient’s symptoms. Treating the deeper levels, along with the symptoms, helps to cut through complex problems and brings a more complete and lasting healing. Patients (and she!) are often amazed and delighted at the immediate changes that can be felt during a treatment.
When not at the clinic, she may be seen around Sellwood, walking Lucy the Three-Legged Dog with her brilliant son and superhero husband. She loves good food with good friends, eggbeaters, art and a knitting project to lose herself in. Her most recent project involves learning and reciting the entire Star Wars Saga because her kid, for some reason, must know the details, though the movies are too scary for him watch.
Conditions Commonly Treated
- Emotional Health: stress, anxiety, life transitions, depression, PTSD, and the emotional component of chronic pain and/or disease
- Sexual Health: low libido, pregnancy and post partum health, fertility enhancement for men & women, PMS, hormonal shifts
- Digestive Health: Acid reflux/GERD, IBS, constipation/diarrhea, diverticulitis, nausea, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s.
- Immune System: Asthma, recurring infections or viral pathogens, autoimmune diseases, cancer treatment support
- Pain Conditions: Headache/ migraine, fibromyalgia, neuralgia, numbness, back pain/disc problems, neck pain, motor vehicle accidents
Insurance Coverage
Natasha is in-network* with these health insurance plans:
- Kaiser / CHP
- Pacific Source
- Regence / Blue Cross
* This may not be a comprehensive list as network involvement may change at any time. Please call our front desk for assistance with specific insurance verification, as this is not a guarantee of coverage for services.